At Pala Medicine we help our clients take advantage of ketamine’s powerful psychedelic healing potential — which is known to play a key role in helping transform one’s life to be free from addiction, depression, PTSD, OCD, anxiety, suicidality, or chronic pain.

Is ketamine therapy a good fit for me?

Reach out now for a 

Medically supervised and legal ketamine treatments for mental health

What is Ketamine Therapy?

Ketamine infusion therapy and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) are exciting new treatment options providing relief for many who suffer from persistent mood and pain disorders.

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that has been safely used in many clinical settings for decades. Its strong safety record allows us to provide services in a comfortable, home-like setting. This allows you to relax into a more intentional, and less medical, healing journey.


A new indication for an old medicine

When administered at doses much lower than used for anesthesia, ketamine has a psychedelic (mind-manifesting) effect, which is thought to play a key role in mind-body healing.

Ketamine therapy provides medically supervised and legal access to the power of the psychedelic healing.

How do we approach ketamine treatment?

Our holistic approach emphasizes effective preparation and on-going integration support to help you make the most of your healing journey. 

Our approach is based on proven clinical protocols that achieve >70% success rate for improvement in symptoms related to treatment-resistant depression.

Science and Art of Psychedelic Medicine

At Pala Medicine, we provide our clients with integrative ketamine treatment services in safe and comfortable spaces that support deep healing journeys.

  • Legal clinical protocols using ketamine for psychedelic healing work
  • Thoughtfully curated psychedelic experiences with careful attention to effective set and setting
  • Support for growth and healing throughout the journey process – from preparation to integration
our services


Treatments for

Mental Health

The psychedelic experience opens a window, a break in the clouds of depression, anxiety, or trauma, allowing the light in.

Patients frequently report gaining perspective into their issues that they couldn't access prior to treatment. This, in turn, assists in growth, healing, and improved mental health.

Chronic Pain

Ketamine therapy has been shown to help improve mobility, meaning less time lost to painful CRPS episodes and decreased reliance on pain killers.

Neuroplasticity extends the impacts of ketamine beyond the infusion of medicine itself, for lasting relief.


Services for

Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic journeys often lead to useful insights, profound awareness, or even mystical experiences -- all of which can play a key role in healing.

Integration coaching helps you make the most of these transformative experiences along your own life journey.

Burnout for Frontline Workers

Help for burnout-related mental health challenges commonly faced by frontline workers in healthcare, first responders, and service members.

Find healing and community with other professionals who understand your situation.

our approach
  1. We follow evidence-based protocols, curated to optimize for a safe and effective experience
  2. We approach every session with sincere intention and thoughtful attention 
  3. We are with you every step of the way, before and after each journey
journey spaces
about us

Pala Medicine is led by co-founders Dr. Suraiya Simi Rahman, MD and Rob Matthews. 

We are caring and experienced professionals combining the most effective aspects of clinical and traditional approaches to healing.

Our mission is to provide safe and effective ketamine journeys that support healing and personal transformation.

contact us


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frequently asked questions

You’ve got options when you seek ketamine treatment.

Here’s why you should choose us.

  • Safety of a physician-led practice (15+ years experience with ketamine)
  • Every session supported by a physician and an integration coach
  • Every journey is curated with careful attention to set and setting
  • Effective techniques help you make the most of your ketamine experience
  • We are with you every step of the way

Pala Medicine provides ketamine treatments that support your wellness goals and personal transformation. We are a woman and minority-owned small business.

Pala Medicine differs from the ‘ketamine-at-home’ programs in several key ways:

  1. expert in-person attention of a physician and a certified integration coach
  2. our preferred route of administration (IV or IM) has much better bioavailability and allows for better dose curve control than at-home sublingual
  3. we dial-in a customized dose based on your personal factors; at-home dosing is fixed and less bioavailable
  4. we offer skilled facilitation with the critical ‘human touch’ of working together in person
  5. expertly curated experiences to increase effectiveness of your journey time
  6. comfortable, distraction-free spaces custom designed for ketamine journey work
  7. spend your valuable post-journey integration time in the comfort of our office, without immediately re-emerging to the reality and needs of home

Our business model is quite different than at-home, which is why we can’t compete with their lower cost. Pala Medicine offers the highest quality care, providing safe and effective ketamine journeys for personal transformation. We hope you see the value of our approach!

Some people do have profoundly transformative experiences on their first journey, so it is possible, but not typical.

Psychedelic therapies, including those done with ketamine, are not a ‘silver bullet’. They don’t cure illnesses or treat diseases directly. The realizations, realignment to deep values, or any other transformative experience requires on-going work to integrate these insights into daily practice. We are here to support you in this way.

Most clients require 4-6 treatments to see substantial results. For some, these results are lasting, and for others they wane over time, sometimes requiring a ‘booster’ at some interval.

Working with a licensed therapist or psychiatrist is generally recommended, but is not always required, when receiving ketamine treatment. 

Our standard ketamine infusion sessions are fully supported by a certified psychedelic integration coach to hold space and help maximize the benefits of your journey work. Many find this support to be sufficient or preferable to working in a more formal psychotherapy framework.

We also wholeheartedly endorse ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) in many circumstances, so we can work with your current therapist, or we can help you select one from our network of psychedelically-aware and trained experts.

The choice is yours.

Dr. Rahman, a physician with 15+ years’ experience working with ketamine, will administer all intravenous (IV) and intra-muscular (IM) medicines. She will oversee sublingual administration done by the patient as well. 

Your journey is also supported by an integration coach and psychedelic practitioner with 15+ years of work with plant medicines and non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Someone will be with you throughout your journey, holding space and able to support immediately should any need arise.

Ketamine is a clinically applied, off-label treatment for various chronic treatment-resistant mental health conditions. It has also shown efficacy in the treatment of certain kinds of complex pain issues.

Off-label use by a physician is 100% legal and very common, constituting up to one-third of all prescriptions for common drugs in the United States overall. (Source: National Library of Medicine)

Ketamine is a very common Schedule III medication that has long been used safely as an anesthetic and analgesic agent, and now, often effectively for the treatment of depression, alcoholism, substance dependencies, PTSD and other mental health issues.

A typical session is 90-120 minutes (1-1/2 to 2 hours)

Our individual sessions use the following format:

  • Welcome & medical review with Dr. Rahman
  • Session intention and other preparation
  • Ketamine administration (IV, IM, or sublingual)
  • Ketamine ‘journey’ (40 to 50 minutes)
  • Calm re-entry
  • Integration guidance by certified coach
  • Additional personal integration time — no rush
  • Safe ride home

At the end of your session you can stay and relax or continue on with personal integration time for as long as you need. When you’re ready to leave, you will be picked up by your pre-arranged ride home.

The entire experience is smooth and comfortable.

Integration is highly personal, so we help you explore a variety of effective techniques. 

  • yoga & breathwork
  • meditation & mindfulness
  • gratitude & expansive thinking
  • daily self-care rituals
  • journaling & self-reflection
  • walking & being outdoors

Our goal is to provide you with tools that support your ongoing wellbeing and growth, so the benefits of your healing journeys can be transformative, not transitory.

Yes, an integration coach will work with you after every ketamine infusion session, at no additional cost. However, if you want to take your journey even deeper, or want more on-going support, transformational life coaching is available.

From the chemical point of view, ketamine is not considered to be a ‘classical’ psychedelic substance, but it nevertheless produces powerful psychedelic effects for most people. Pala Medicine specializes in helping our clients harness the psychedelic benefits of ketamine journeys.

Ketamine is generally classified as a dissociative anesthetic. At the doses used for ketamine therapy, which are much lower than for anesthesia, dissociation means a sense of disconnecting from one’s ordinary reality and usual sense of self for a short time. This ‘non-ordinary’ state of consciousness is a critical part of how psychedelic medicine works.

Not at this time. However, as the FDA approves additional psychedelic medicines in the future, we will be able to provide related services legally. There are several Phase 3 clinical trials that may result in legal, clinical access to other psychedelic medicines in the next few years.

Pāla (Sanskrit पाल, ‘guardian’)

Refers to the pala mudra from yoga, two hands in a gesture of protection; a metaphor for our work creating safe and comfortable spaces for transformational journeys

Our Affiliations and Training

The Open Payments database is a federal tool used to search payments made by drug and device companies to physicians and teaching hospitals. For informational purposes only, a link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided here. The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public.

It can be found at: